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This privacy policy explains how Edufree Academy (“Edufree Academy”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) collects, uses, and safeguards your personal information. It also details how you can access and modify your personal data and the ways to contact us. This policy is created in line with the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

Accuracy of Data

We depend on the accuracy of the data you provide to effectively deliver our services.

Collection and Uses

Your information is gathered directly from you or via third-party sources, such as employers and digital platforms like our website or email. We use your personal data for:

Access to Your Data

Your personal data is accessible to authorized staff at Edufree Academy and, where necessary, your employer(s) to fulfill our contractual obligations. We do not sell or lease your data to third parties.

Data Protection

We commit to protecting your personal data with reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or other similar risks. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security of data.

Data Retention

Your data is retained for as long as you are a user of Edufree Academy’s services and will be removed from our systems upon the termination of your contract with your employer.

Updates and Inquiries

For further information or to request modifications to the data we hold about you, please contact us at edufree.academy@gmail.com. This privacy policy may be updated periodically, and we will inform our users of any changes.